Trade with fiboxchange
Buy and sell cryptocurrency without any hassle

Fast and most secure way to swap than 100 Cryptocurrencies

Exchange Now

Trade with us in a few minutes

Create an account

Not complex,
create an account in few steps and verify your email address to get started

Link your payment method

however you want to get paid we got you covered. Kindly select from our multi-payment option for instant payment

Start buying & selling

No stress, initiate a trade just like texting on your mobile device. submitted transactions usually takes less than 20mins to confirm

Recent Transactions

Send Receive Amount Status
Etheruem ETH paypal USD 3.78 ETH OXDKJRWFT7UYHJWKRNJ*********2OP4WREFYDUHJK Approved
Bitcoin BTC paypal USD 0.167498 BTC BCH32-93087E67564SE*********LRWFDGUIYV7R6E5W4E Approved
Bitcoin BTC bank transfer USD 1.3 BTC BCH1YFGHMLO;IO7I657*********FYVUBI;NOJ Approved
Bitcoin BTC paypal USD 0.008 BTC HREI45U9BGI-ERON[VW*********EUIJRBWELVKC Approved
Etheruem ETH paypal USD 0.09 ETH 0XEWHLUKTYRY54U63R7*********;5GJLEMNBFDHVGF Approved

The World's Leading Crypto ocurrency Exchange

Trade Bitcoin, ETH, and hundreds of other Crypto currencies in minutes.

# Name Price Change Trade
1 bitcoin $82,995.68 3.67% Sell
2 etheruem $1,895.97 8.89% Sell
3 ripple $2.31 4.3% Sell
4 bitcoin cash $332.18 2.59% Sell
5 litecoin $90.11 4.13% Sell

Exchange your cryptocurrency today

The fiboxchange platform was designed for crypto exhange of all types, with 24/7 world-class services in your preferred channel and language. We have variety of features that makes it the best place to start trading your crypto to fiat

Manage Your Account

Sell popular crypto currencies, keep track of them till they're processed.

24/7 Customer Service

Build stronger relationships with our clients and solve customer problems in a flash, We value our traders.

Safe & Secure

All transactions on our platform are strongly secure. We've integrated the highest level of security to protect your account

New Token Purchase

We now purchase newly-listed tokens with their respective contract address

What our customer says

The most trusted cryptocurrency platform

Here are a few reasons why you should choose fiboxchange

Secure storage

We store the vast majority of the digital assets in secure offline storage.

Protected by insurance

Cryptocurrency stored on our servers is covered by our insurance policy.

Industry best practices

fiboxchange supports a variety of the most popular digital currencies.
